mercredi 27 janvier 2016

What is it?

Police Brutality in racism is known all over the world, but is a big problem mainly in the United States. Many people of multiple races have experienced unnecessary violence from the police all because of the way they look, but the majority of the people that it's happening to today are black people in the US, almost twice as many blacks are killed by police than any other racial group. Even though this has always been around, this subject has been one of the biggest subjects on the news ever since the death of the young black male Mike Brown in August of the year 2014. The majority of the policemen who kill the innocent victims all claim that they only shot and killed the victim in self-defense, there was even times that some policemen claimed that they grabbed their real gun instead of their Taser gun by accident. In the Mike Brown incident, the former policemen that shot Mike Brown down, Darren Wilson was not charged with anything at all and the Justice Department has closed the investigation, which then led to chaos in Ferguson, people were burning buildings, destroying cars and protesting in the streets. Citizens in Ferguson were against the fact that the officer Wilson and has shot Brown 7 times, all while Mike Brown has had his hands up unarmed, and he still ended up taking his life. There has been many situations that a “trained” officer that could keep a gun with him still wasn't trained enough to restrain himself from shooting someone that was no threat, sometimes even completely innocent, but little things such as stealing shouldn't be a reason to kill somebody. Even if somebody steals something from somebody else, those are only materialistic things that you can get back easily, but once you take a life it's gone forever. After the Mike Brown case, a percentage of Americans are believing that police should have to go through more training before being able the keep a gun with them.


Many people in the world believe that this problem can be solved, but at the same time others believe that racism is always going be around no matter what we do. To be honest, I believe that this problem as one cannot be solved because of the racism that there is in the world and specifically the United States of America. There are too many people that have different opinions based on where people comes from or on the way that some people look, and this is the reason why people were killed and enslaved in the 1800's, and it is also the reason why people are being killed today. We will not be able to stop it completely, but here are a couple of ideas that can reduce the problem. First of all, we need to make the future police go through further training in order to become an actual police officer, instead of the average 19 weeks to become an officer, they should have to complete minimum 21 weeks of training as they do in Memphis. On top of that, we need to train the officers to be a part of their community, and not just armed men on patrol. According to the Washington Post, The new recruits trying to become police have to go through at least 60 hours of learning how to handle a gun while only having to go through eight hours to calm down intense situations and also eight hours to be able to handle a situation that involves a mentally ill person, which I find ridiculous, it should be atleast half of the official  time that it takes to learn how to use a gun. So, even though this problem cannot be completely solved, it can still be reduced by using the ideas above.